Friday, October 15, 2010

Learning From Intolerance

Why is it that even after working the program of recovery I still make so much that's not about me....well, about me? Why is it that when someone trashes something or someone I really love, respect, admire, emulate, etc. I take it like it's a personal statement about me, when it really doesn't have anything to do with me? I even feel this way sometimes when the person doing the criticizing of the one admired is the same person that I admire. No one is more critical of me than me, and I expect people who care about me to be ok with that sometimes. And yet, I'm not ok with it when someone I care about beats themselves up. Dare I say that once again what I am least tolerant of in others is where I have the most issues of my own? Could it be that the reason it bugs me so much when I see someone else doing the same thing I do that the reason it bothers me is I know it isn't right for me to do it either? How can I still be so self-centered that I make someone else's struggles and pain be about me and my issues? I guess it's a sign of improvement or progress that I can even see this tendency in myself today. I need to work on this and submit myself to the Potter to be remolded when it comes to self-fladulation. Why is it that the more progress I seem to make the further it appears that I have to go?

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