Sunday, October 10, 2010

Amazing Grace

I woke this morning with a headache. How wonderful it felt to know that with a little caffeine and time for my sinuses to clear a little the headache would be gone. It's so amazing to me how these days the rare occurrence of waking with a headache is not punishment for putting my body through what it was never designed to endure. The pain centers behind one eye and doesn't flow over and through my entire body seeping into the depths of my soul like it used to. Today I am blessed. The soul pain that once tortured me and drove me to self-destruction has been replaced. I don't know why I am one of the lucky ones who got this chance. I know I didn't do anything to deserve having a decent place to live, the ability to do something I love in work, the love of family, good friends, and that special someone who completes my picture so beautifully. I most certainly don't deserve a relationship with my Creator. No, I don't deserve any of these things, but I have been given them anyway. That blows me away on mornings like this. I used to ask what's so amazing about grace. It seemed the enemy that kept me going with just enough strength to keep me conscious as I was beaten about by the world. But now I see grace as the miracle that provides me with the opportunity for a life worth living. I am grateful for the grace I have in my life today.

1 comment:

  1. Dalyn, you have certainly traveled some rough roads in your life; I am blessed to see what the Lord is doing with and in you.
    Much Love from me and carol
