Thursday, October 21, 2010

First Steps

I feel a little like a child who has pulled himself to a standing position using a table leg and is now wobbling, trying to balance, looking at the huge distance of the room and wondering if indeed he can truly walk across. There is a part of me that worries that I may have started this walking thing too early. Was I really ready for this great attempt? Will I be good enough quickly enough? How bad will it hurt when I fall? All these questions and fears swirl in my head as my balance point shifts. But I must trust that I was meant not only to walk but to run. I have to let the desire to be on the other side of the room drive me to try. I have to trust that if I fall, the damage won't be too bad, and it doesn't have to stop me. I may want to run to success, I feel that need, but i can't wait on the ability to run. If all I can do is take two steps before my butt hits the floor, that's ok. If all I can do after that is crawl, then I must start crawling. Even crawling, I will eventually get where I need to go. The important thing is to try, to keep trying, and to keep moving forward.

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