Thursday, November 25, 2010


What an amazing day! I know it's supposed to get cold before the day is over, but right now it is so comfortable and pretty out here on my porch. I just saw a birds nest in a tree I hadn't seen before. In a little while I will be meeting with some of my family for Thanksgiving dinner. And I have so much to be thankful for.

I am most thankful for a relationship with my Creator. Nothing means more to me. It is such a blessing to know that I am loved by God and cared for. Through working on my relationship with Him, I am closer to being the man that I was created to be than I ever have been. I can be the husband, son, brother, friend and servant that I find joy in being. I am comfortable in my own skin. Thank you Father.

This year I celebrate my first Thanksgiving with Leah, and I am so grateful for that.

I didn't believe I could have such a wonderful relationship after all that I have done to build destruction in my life, the lives of others and the relationships of my past. I don't deserve her or the blessings that she brings to my life, but I am so grateful and thankful that love is not about deserve. It is a gift, and I receive hers with joy and thanksgiving.

I am thankful for the rest of my family...those I was born with and those I have been adopted into. My parents have shown me such love and support. They are amazing examples of relationship, and I am so blessed to have them in my life. Two brothers by birth that I love and would give whatever I could to make their lives better if they needed me to. A large number of aunts and uncles that I love and who love me.My adopted brother Clint and his family have been such a blessing to my life and such a part of the blessings God has given me.Two sisters-in-law that fill my heart with Joy at the blessing they bring to the lives of my brothers.

I am thankful for the relationship that has begun already with Leah's mother and sister. I feel so blessed to have them in my life.

I don't know that I would even be here without the love, guidance and support of my Spiritual Adviser. Dixie I am so thankful for you and Frankie. You are a wonderful couple and such a blessing to me and my family. I am thankful for you both.

Today, I have friends in my life that are true friends. Friends that want the best for me and care for me because they do, not because it might help them or because I have access to drugs or alcohol handy. I have friends that want to help me rather than use me. This is a blessing that I am thankful for,

I am thankful for a few special people that are closer than friends...Crystal, Derrin, Duke and River, my life is richer today because you are in it. I am grateful that you are a part of my not-so-typical family.

I have been thankful for a while for my friendship with my ex-wife. But after seeing yet another example of when relationships don't end as well and where exes act like enemies on the attack rather than civil at least and friends at best, I am even more thankful for my friendship with Jan.

I am thankful for my business, Eclectic Imagery, ad the opportunity to do what I love as a career. The potential seems to be growing. What a blessing I have received. Along with that, I am grateful to God for the gifts that He has given me that bring art into my life and allow me to pass it on to others. I am grateful that my self-worth is not tied into what others think of my work today. The acceptance or rejection of my work by others does not define who I am as a photographer and artist and certainly not who I am as a person.

I am thankful for so much more, but I could list forever and miss something or someone. My life is blessed today because of God and the changes that have occurred in my life since I walked into the rooms. Six months sober and clean is a blessing, and I am thankful today for every day of it. I don't have to be down on myself for throwing away the fifteen months that I had. Life is good.

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