Friday, November 5, 2010

Encouragement or Burden?

Mark Twain once said, "Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great." That seems like good advice to me. The only problem I have with this idea and the solution presented is that the person most likely to belittle my ambitions and my chances of bringing my dreams to reality is myself. And I am awfully hard for me to stay away from sometimes.

This is why today I must cling to the truth that God has a plan for my life that includes me being happy, joyous, free and able to succeed. I am grateful for the gifts that He has given me that fuel my dreams, and I am grateful for the hope that I have today, which includes the idea that I can have a great where I am able to love what I do, love those I have in my life (including myself) and make a difference in the lives of those I encounter. I am grateful for the people I have in my life now who counter that voice in my head that tells me I am worthless and will never succeed at anything other than failure.

Today, I accept with joy the opinion of those I love who believe in me and the idea that I can accomplish something worthwhile in my life because they see the gifts God has given me and believe those gifts should be used, and because they are better able than me to remember that He who began a good work in me is faithful to finish it. I cling to that and accept that they see something I can't always see, rather than allow their faith to fuel my fear of failing and letting them down. The encouragement of others can give me strength or add weight to my life. Which of these possibilities comes to pass has nothing to do with the person believing in me or what they say but with how I receive and respond to their support. That I can see this today and make a choice rather than being controlled by my natural instincts and reflexes is one of the greatest examples I have in my life of the positive changes that have occurred in my life and the progress I have made in recovery.

1 comment:

  1. This is such a profound insight for you!! I'm so pleased to read this. You ARE truly gifted and there is enormous potential in you. The past is over, the debt is paid, and the keys to the future are in your hand. Believe in yourself, my brother, and there is NO boundry to what you can accomplish!
