Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Remembering God Has and Will Provide

I find myself growing fearful, not a good state for me. But it’s not necessarily a bad state either. What determines whether my fear is good or bad is my reaction to it. I do not believe it is a sin to have questions, doubt or even fear. And yet I know that it is not God’s will for me to be afraid. If I recognize I am afraid and use that fear to spur me toward God and to look to Him for the answer and solution to what is making me afraid, then my fear becomes a good thing. Anything that brings me closer to Him is a good thing.

On the other hand, when my fear causes me to try to manipulate and control the situation or to try to force a solution that I think is needed, then I am walking dangerously and am at risk of losing my way on the path. I can not look to myself, my own solutions, or anyone else as a way to solve my problems and ease my fears. My only true refuge is in the protection, care and guidance of a loving God.

I must remember to be grateful. Gratitude does not mix well with fear. I know that when I can be grateful for what God has already given me and done for me that my faith grows stronger. God has not failed to provide me with what I need. I may not always get what I want, but my needs have been met. When I remember that and am grateful for those things God has done then it is easier for me to trust that His care for me will continue.

Andrae Crouch *My Tribute* (To God Be The Glory) "Live"

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