Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Image 48

I am so thankful to God for the wonderful, refreshing and special time I had during the first part of the day today. Tonight everything went to hell, and if I had not had that prior reminder of the love and care and providence of my Creator, I probably would have shot myself in the foot. Not really, I just would have quit my job with no notice, and actually, shooting myself in the foot would probably have done less damage to my life.

I can not let anger run my life. I can not let people who are sick and wrong have that much control over me. But I would have done just that if the things I said and wrote had not come quickly back to mind. I am on a path to a beautiful life. In truth, there is beauty and wonder and serenity in my life already. I know it can and will get even better if I continue to do what I know I need to. But just because God wants me happy, joyous and free....just because there is a beautiful place on the horizon that gives me the encouragement to stay on the path God has put me on doesn't mean that I won't ever have to trudge up hill to get there. God grant me the serentity to be patient, wait for your guidance and direction before making hasty reactive choices and to accept the things I have no control over, the courage and willingness to do something about the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference....and opening the door to a better job would be nice too, if it's not too much trouble. Thanks.

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