Saturday, July 31, 2010

Don't Sweat The Small Stuff ~ With Image 72

Don't sweat the small stuff. But what's the small stuff? When in the middle of a situation that feels overwhelming or disatrous, everything around me appears big through the magic magnifier in my mind. But the truth is most things simply aren't that big or important. I can live without a lot of the things that seem important to me. Luxuries such as the computer I am typing on are not truly life or death essential or "big stuff." What is going to matter in the eternal scheme of things? My relationship with God, and my relationships with those He has blessed me with. These are the big things. These are the areas I need to sweat and take action to preserve and improve. If something goes wrong in relationship with my Creator, I need to sweat it. I need to make sure I react in love and care for others. Everything else....yes, everything else is the small stuff I need to remember to accept whatever comes and not stress over, worry about, and most definitely not damage the important things over. When I remember and live this simple truth, I find more blessings and serenity in my life than I can number.

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