Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Image 68 ~ Blessed Day

God is good. It always amazes me when I receive blessings I did not expect, do not deserve, or had given up on. Today I got a blessing I hadn't expected to receive anytime soon. I found out yesterday that my sister-in-law, who I had not seen in a long time, is in Texas. Actually she is about 30 or so miles away. This afternoon I got the treat of being able to talk to her over coffee for a few hours. We laughed and talked, I nearly cried a few times, but hey I felt like it was kinda a Hallmark moment. I also was able to introduce her to my significant other, which I am especially grateful for. I have missed my family and prayed for an opportunity such as this. But only when I relaxed and stopped fretting about when it would happen did God give me the desire of my heart. This is a theme I am seeing a lot of lately. Seek relationship with Him first, and all these other things will be added to me. Seek the things, relationships, blessings, etc. and my life becomes a train wreck where I don't much of anything good. I hope that I am able to remember this always and not get off track again any time soon. It's been a good day, and I feel truly blessed. Are all my problems solved? No. Is everything perfect in every relationship and situation? Not even close. But things are better today than yesterday, and after all it's about progress, not perfection.

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