Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A Better Way

Sometimes it just feels like there's no way to get everything I need to get done done. There isn't enough time. I don't have the energy or the money or some other necessary element. When I look at all I have to do and how few of the needed resources I have, I become overwhelmed, which causes me to feel like I'm swimming with weight on my back. I am more convinced that I won't make the swim to shore.

One of the things I love about my life today and my relationship with my Higher Power is that I can relax when I feel this way now. When I decide what I want and need to do, when I assign myself the list of tasks, then I am responsible for finding the way to get them done. This is a very scary prospect indeed when my time is so limited, my pocketbook so empty, my energy so used up and spread out over different tasks, etc. But when I am doing what God wants me to do and focusing on doing the next right thing in my path, then I no longer have to be afraid or bear that weight. With everything that God gives me to do, I can trust that He will also give me the resources, both inner and outer, to do the task. I will be given the words to say to those He puts in my path. I will be provided with a way to pay the rent when I am living where He wants me to live. When I know that I am working where He wants me to work, then I can rest assured that I will be able to get to that job, even if it means I will live close enough to walk. When it is God's will for me to go to school, then I know He will provide the resources financially, mentally and time wise to get through it. I will have enough time to handle my responsibilities for everything that He would have me do, from housework, to helping others, to jobs and education, and whatever else.

The key for me to not feel overwhelmed, and to not be overwhelmed, is to let Him guide me so that I know that I am doing His will, to not waste the resources He provides to do His will, and to remember that even if He has given me ten things to do, I can only do one of them at a time. I do not need to look at, worry about, or work on all ten things at once. I do the task in front of me, or the part of it that needs doing now. I do it to the best of my ability. Then I move on to the next thing. When I approach life this way, I no longer feel overwhelmed or feel like I have to manage to come up with the ability and resources, energy, wisdom, etc. to accomplish what I need to. Instead of swimming to shore with a weight on my back, I realize I'm in a boat with a paddle. Sure I still have to do the rowing, but isn't that so much easier? And I don't have to worry about sinking and drowning if I need to take a short breather while in the boat. But resting doesn't happen while swimming under weight. His way is better.

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